I have visited the Philippines since 2010, And in 2014, I finally had the opportunity to live in a beautiful place with wonderful, gifted and talented people.
This Blog is dedicated to sharing my experiences as I now live in the Philippines. I am a Black American from Atlanta, GA USA. I hope to be brief, yet informative.
Let's Connect :
Friday, March 31, 2017
Single People Recognized as Disabled by World Health Organization
WHO (World Health Organization) has announced that single people could be recognized as ‘disabled,’ which could entitle them to fertility treatment. We all know that IVF is available on the NHS for couples that meet certain criteria. However, there are many singletons out there that would prefer to start a family without a partner but
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Annulment in the Philippines — Real World Report — 2017
Annulment in the Philippines. (last updated 30 March 2017) A lot of articles and comments about annulment have crossed through this space since the site first went live more than 13 years ago. Most of the information and questions and answers have been about the laws in the Philippines and a lot of what if [ ] The post Annulment in the Philippines Real World Report 2017 appeared first on PhilFAQs.
10 Common Phrases People Say to their Partner That Kill Relationships
Relationships improve as people grow close. Closeness can only happen if two people interact and communicate with each other. While this seems like a tall order, it is within your control. One of the actions you can take to improve your relationships is to avoid using the common phrases that spoil them. These are the
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
BURIED ALIVE IN THE PHILIPPINES AND LOVING IT Being BURIED ALIVE IN THE PHILIPPINES AND LOVING IT was one of the most liberating experiences l have ever had ...
Prisoners Get Outdoors More Frequently Than Children Do, Study Finds
Research shows that three-quarters of British children get outdoors more rarely than prisoners, as a result of "the digital age". Contemporary digital technology and parental fear are the main reasons which lead children to have an isolated lifestyle. Since children today spend little time outdoors, their health is pretty impaired. Often, they lose their sense
How to Get Rid of Acne by Using Tomatoes (Easy and Effective Recipe)
How to get rid of acne? You will be surprised to know that such a common product as the tomato can help you with this. Acne is a common cosmetic issue around keeping in mind that it is a form of skin disease affecting most people regardless of age. The sad thing is that such
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
10 Signs that You Might Be Overly Attached to Your Past
You might be overly attached to your past, and you might not even be aware of it. Have you ever had that feeling that there’s something going consistently wrong with your life and that you just can’t seem to get it right? 1. You keep making the same mistakes. Do you ever get a Déjà
Monday, March 27, 2017
Toxic Family Members and How to Recognize Them
Toxic Family Members: The words make my stomach turn. Let me help you recognize these people and improve both our lives. First off, It’s hard to talk about something that has impacted my life with such fierce control. This is especially true if you’re still dealing with said toxic family members. Oftentimes I’d rather talk
Signs You Are Dealing With a Hypocrite
It’s easy for us to brush things under the rug when a friend or colleague says something hypocritical. Often it’s something not important and it’s easier to ignore it than bring it up. But it’s important to be able to identify when someone is being a hypocrite. Whether that’s to point it out to them
THE PROVINCE WOMEN IN MEDELLIN PHILIPPINES THE PROVINCE WOMEN IN MEDELLIN PHILIPPINES are uniquely different from city women. The women are more self suffici...
Moral (and Legal) Dilemmas — and Wrong Head Thinking
Moral (and Legal) Dilemmas in the Philippines. (last updated 27 March 2017) Yesterday while researching information on a completely different subject I came across this article in linking to below. Although it is several years old at the time of this writing, it’s still as live and viable as if it were written yesterday. It Can [ ] The post Moral (and Legal) Dilemmas and Wrong Head Thinking appeared first on PhilFAQs.
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Cat Purring Has Remarkable Healing Properties, Study Finds
Good news for cat lovers: cat purring transmits therapeutic vibrations capable of curing a number of ailments! Do you have a cat? This is the first question I would like to ask if you are suffering from any health condition. The list of the health-related illness that cat purring vibrations can help you to cure
Basics Of Annulment in the Philippines
Basics Of Annulment in the Philippines. (Last updated 25 March, 2017) I ve written before on this subject, and I m sure I ll write more. Here s a couple of my previous articles to get your thinking juices flowing: Grounds For Annulment in the Philippines — 2016 Is There Divorce in the Philippines? Annulment Is a Big Word Here s [ ] The post Basics Of Annulment in the Philippines appeared first on PhilFAQs.
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Coconut Oil Benefits for Hair and Skin That Will Inspire You to Add It to Your Self-Care Routine
Coconut oil is an amazing product with lots of uses and properties. Today, let’s talk about coconut oil benefits for hair. The body’s first line of defense is the skin and hair. Both serve as protections from the sun and the cold weather. They are also the first barriers when we encounter harsh elements in
6 Types of People Who Are More Likely to Become Victims of Narcissistic Abuse
Being in a relationship with a narcissist can leave a person feeling shattered. Narcissists are master manipulators, so it is hard to avoid their clutches. How can victims of narcissistic abuse help themselves? There are ways to break free from the torment. The first step is to understand that they are victims. Note that victims
Friday, March 24, 2017
Still Don’t Believe Everything Happens for a Reason? Consider This
Some people have faith that everything happens for a reason, while others are not so sure. Merely thinking about the possibility of this concept can be overwhelming. Your thoughts can spiral out in so many different directions and you can question even the most minute aspects of life; “Did that yellow butterfly just land on
Avoidance of Health Issues Is Not a Viable Option – Here Is Why
Many people will simply avoid seeking medical advice for their health issues if they are concerned that the condition in question is either embarrassing or dangerous. By refusing to confront the problem, they believe they won’t have to deal with the prognosis. Unfortunately, health issues simply don’t work that way. Whether you are embarrassed or
Thursday, March 23, 2017
These Common Food Cravings Could Actually Mean You Are Deficient of Essential Nutrients
There are many times when cravings just appear, unexpectedly, and there is no actual hunger. What are the causes of these sudden food cravings? These are the most common types: Classical conditioning Places and people can trigger off cravings for certain types of food. We are all victims of this category of cravings. Like craving
6 Signs of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Unusual Steps to Deal With It
Everyone feels exhausted after a long day of school or work, but that tiredness can become debilitating. That is when people experience Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).How then, do they detect its signs? Managing this syndrome takes more than getting enough rest because the exhaustion is constant. Consequently, strategies that are not so run-of-the-mill are necessary.
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
How to Get Happy with These 5 Science-Backed Rituals
Want to get happy? Check out these tips backed by scientific studies. What’s the point of work, family, exercise, reading, watching movies, and waking up in the morning? What’s the point of living, anyway? We may be aspiring for career success, family values, or personal growth. The point is always the same: being happy. We
11 Ways to Get High Without Drugs
This revelation is good news. Do you know that there are ways to get high without drugs? This information should please those who want to alleviate stress without their detrimental effects. People rely on drugs and painkillers because they are relaxing, at least for a time. Consequently, they use drugs to alter their consciousness. Also,
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Ashitaba Tea: a Little-Known Herb with Powerful Healing Properties
Ashitaba tea is a type of tea that you may not be too familiar with yet. However, you will likely be hearing much more about it as it is taking the market by storm. Ashitaba is from Japan. It has been popular there for a long time due to its healing powers. It contains 11
Crossing Your Legs Is Bad for You: What Happens to Your Body When You Sit This Way
Crossing your legs while sitting is a very common yet quite an unhealthy pose. It became an automatic pose that we take almost immediately after we sit. Many women sit in this pose because they think that it is sexy, elegant or feminine. On the other hand, men sit in this position differently, with the
Monday, March 20, 2017
Insecure Vs Confident: Mind blowing photo project demonstrates how our self-esteem changes the way we look
Do you know that others can size you up because of the way you carry yourself? A keen eye may pick up on how fearful and insecure you are.You may not realize it, but the way you stand or sit You may not realize it, but the way you stand or sit reveals a lot
THE PROVINCE LIFE IN MEDELLIN PHILIPPINES THE PROVINCE LIFE IN MEDELLIN PHILIPPINES is uniquely different from city life. The people are more self sufficient...
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Is There Divorce in the Philippines?
Is There Divorce in the Philippines? (Updated 18 March 2017) Isn’t it always great when you get a note from a reader telling you that you got things wrong? Recently I got such a note from a reader name of Paul. Paul picked up on something I have written more than once in the past, [ ] The post Is There Divorce in the Philippines? appeared first on PhilFAQs.
Differences Between Men and Women Perfectly Captured in Funny Comics
Comics are the best at showing the funny side of the differences between men and women. In the beginning, God created men, and then women. We have various versions of this legendary epic ‘reality’ archived in literary and holy transcripts from the stone to iron ages. The common saying has been acknowledged “Women are from
Saturday, March 18, 2017
Is It Really More Fun in the Philippines?
Is It Really More Fun in the Philippines? (Last updated 18 March 2017) I guess the answer to that question revolves a lot around your conception of just what ‘fun’ really is. Recently I was emailing a friend regarding some of the trial and tribulations another online friend had been going through as he tried [ ] The post Is It Really More Fun in the Philippines? appeared first on PhilFAQs.
5 Famous Movie Villains Job-Seekers Can Learn From
Though movie villains are the least expected people we can learn life-lessons from, their words often have a point. Looking for a new job can be a very daunting task. It can be time-consuming and may require lots of footwork going from one interview to another. Job-seekers oftentimes may face challenges and the odds are
To Love a Highly Sensitive Person, There are a Few Things you Should Know
Loving a highly sensitive person is not always easy, but it’s not a curse. You have to understand their unique beauty and emotions. I am a highly sensitive person, and I love one too. Boy, is our relationship a whirlwind sometimes. On the other hand, it can be the most passionate and loving experience, filled
Friday, March 17, 2017
Man who put two live fish up his ANUS rushed to hospital when one swam into his intestines
The man admitted to voluntarily putting the pond loaches into his bum when he was heavily under the influence of alcohol
Video captures a student stabbing his schoolmate outside campus
A security camera captured a 16-year-old student stab his schoolmate right outside the campus of F.G. Calderon Integrated School in Manila.
How to retire early: A 5-step plan
Retirement planning doesn’t have to be a complex process. Here are the key strategies learned by people who have retired early — 35 years early.
Common Words and Phrases That Program Your Body for Illness and Destruction
You may not realize it, but what you say may affect your well-being more profoundly than you think. The words and phrases you use can either boost or destroy your health. Research by famed German psychotherapist Nossrat Pezeschkian supports this theory. It reveals that the negative things we say may introduce illness in our bodies.
Thursday, March 16, 2017
How to Recognize Controlling Behavior in The Early Stages of a Relationship
Are you frightened of offending your partner? Are you unexpectedly quiet and reserved when he or she is around? A manipulative or abusive relationship can run you ragged both physically and emotionally. If you have such a partner, you will want to leave the relationship as early as possible. However, romantic involvement can make you
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Doing the Right Thing in the Philippines
Doing the Right Thing in the Philippines. Here s another of those posts that essentially wrote themselves. A reader posed a question, very typical to questions I get here all the time. I started to write one of my famous book-length responses to his comment, and then decided this needs to be brought out into the [ ] The post Doing the Right Thing in the Philippines appeared first on PhilFAQs.
3 Troubling Differences between the Current Generation of Children and That of Past Decades
When comparing the current generation of children to that of past decades, it’s easy to see some troubling differences. Many of these differences are the result of new technology that just wasn’t available in the recent past and therefore was not a problem until now. Three of the main differences between the current generation and
Frankincense Essential Oil Benefits Vary from Treating Depression to Curing Cancer
Here is what you need to know about frankincense essential oil benefits to make the most of its healing properties! Frankincense is an aromatic resin derived from Boswellia tree that grows throughout Asia and Africa. Most of us know it from church services. A small piece of this aromatic resin can influence humans on the
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
11 Small Things People Unwillingly Use to Judge You
People may judge you over small things, like how you drive. This phenomenon is what experts term the 'spotlight effect.' People do not typically pay attention to others, especially strangers, but they notice a heap when they do. It is usually over trivial matters, like whether you bite your nails. You may not think that
The Compelling History of Cannabis: How a Healing Plant Became an Illegal Drug
To get a better understanding of the history of cannabis, we have to go back, way back, several thousand years ago, in fact, to tell a whole story of this misunderstood plant. Cannabis has been on a roller coaster journey over the years, although many think this journey only started a few decades ago with
Monday, March 13, 2017
Philippine Retirement — Right For You?
Is Philippine Retirement Right For You? (Last Update 14 March, 2017) Some of you may be surprised by that headline. I have a reputation, with some, of being a guy who urges Philippine retirement on everyone, just because he, himself, enjoys it. That s Not Really True Over my years online, and especially in the past [ ] The post Philippine Retirement Right For You? appeared first on PhilFAQs.
We Are Judging Others Based on These 11 Small Things
People may judge you over small things, like how you drive. This phenomenon is what experts term the 'spotlight effect.' People do not typically pay attention to others, especially strangers, but they notice a heap when they do. It is usually over trivial matters, like whether you bite your nails. You may not think that
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Move to the Philippines — Kiss 2
Move to the Philippines next installment in the Keeping it Simple series. (Last updated 12 March, 2017) Yesterday I published an article that urged people to stop making it so complicated. I want to publish some more along the same line, but I just realized I need to deal with a pesky little problem for most [ ] The post Move to the Philippines Kiss 2 appeared first on PhilFAQs.
Evil mum drugged 9-year-old daughter then burned her alive during bitter custody battle with ex-husband
Laura Coward told friends she had taken nine-year-old Amber stargazing, but instead drugged the little girl and set fire to the car she slept in
Man accused of killing his ex-fiancee before eating her internal organs
A man is accused of cannibalism after allegedly murdering his ex-fiancee before eating her heart, lungs and brain. Joseph Oberhansley, stood before a judge and said he was ‘completely competent’ to stand trial for the murder of
UK backpacker ;raped repeatedly; over two months in Australia
The backpacker was attacked repeatedly over two months in locations across Queensland, police say.
Struggling with Mental Health Problems? You May Be Deficient of This Vital Nutrient
Your mental health problems could be caused by this nutrient deficiency, which is common among the population. Our modern day diets are deficient of a vital nutrient for the brain - magnesium. Previous generations had a ready supply of this vital mineral in seafood, mineral water, organic meat, and swimming in the fresh saltwater sea. The
10 Signs That You Are Going Through a Midlife Crisis
Have you bought a new sports car or purchased new jewelry lately? Is your impulse buying becoming obsessive? Are you over 40? You may have a midlife crisis to manage. If you suspect that your spouse is going through one or if you are doing so yourself, you may want to know its signs. More
Saturday, March 11, 2017
Move To The Philippines — KISS 1
(Last updated 12 March 2017) Move To The Philippines. Always a popular subject here at PhilFAQS. But you know what I hear very, very often from readers with moving to the Philippines on their mind? It s too hard? Too hard? Yep. Didn t seem that hard to me, I put our house on the market, threw [ ] The post Move To The Philippines KISS 1 appeared first on PhilFAQs.
5 Things That Are a Total Waste of Time, Yet, Everyone Does Them Daily
Did you know that some of the things you do daily are a total waste of time? As a child you probably found yourself waiting often. Waiting for a new movie to come out, waiting for your first kiss, waiting for your parents to get home with pizza. Just waiting. Now it seems like instead
How to Increase Your Happy Hormones Naturally to Remove Negativity from Your Life
Here is how you can charge your happy hormones naturally to stop negative feelings. Many of us float about in waves of emotional turmoil, a motion of a never-ending pursuit for eternal happiness that we do not quite reach. If we get some happiness sprouts, it is like momentary illusions and two-minute smiles as the
Friday, March 10, 2017
7 Myths about What Men Find Attractive in Women Debunked
Many women have a wrong idea about what men find attractive. Here we debunk some of the most common myths. When you have come home from yet another unsuccessful date or are the victim of being ghosted, it’s easy to blame yourself and how you look. We often muse “”I’ll never find someone” or “if
Thursday, March 9, 2017
The truth behind Donald Trump's inauguration crowd pictures
The National Park Service on Monday released dozens of photographs of President Donald Trump's inauguration that appear to counter Mr Trump's claim that up to 1.5 million attended the event at the
UK backpacker 'raped repeatedly' over two months in Australia
The backpacker was attacked repeatedly over two months in locations across Queensland, police say.
Alligator strolls across golf course with fish in its mouth
Get a load of this alligator ready to chomp this fish to bits. Golfers in Florida were on their 10th hole when they spotted the reptile headed for its lunch break. At first one person thought it was a whale.
Seven Types of Love According to Ancient Greeks
Love is a term that comes in a million shades. It has been a matter of many debates throughout the history. Ancient philosophers liked to examine and classify human emotions, especially the most intimate ones. Love, we can say, moves the world by influencing the development of civilization, art, wars and history. We know that
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
8 Different Ways to Reduce Stress with the Help of Music
Did you know that music is a great way to reduce stress? Stress can be brought about by many factors – work, family, school, relationships. No matter what causes your stress, we should always learn how to manage it well as too much stress is not good for our health. It could lead to anxiety,
15 Essential Communication Skills You May Not Have Heard of But Need for Life
First-class communication skills are the keys to success in any area of life. They give you an edge in the workplace, forge bonds with your kids and draw you close to your life partner. Misunderstandings come about because of poor communication; it holds you back in your career and relationships. So, what are the secrets
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Does Smoking Weed Make You Lose Weight? Curious Science Behind Cannabis and Metabolism
Does smoking weed make you lose weight? You must have heard success stories of how overweight friends were able to shed the pounds successfully by taking a puff, so you may feel tempted to do the same. Marijuana, however, is highly addictive. You may want to understand more about the relationship between cannabis and metabolism
Monday, March 6, 2017
‘I have been set up’: Final minutes of 15-year-old killed in gang slaying described
Damaris A. Reyes Rivas was interrogated by another teen about a relationship, people familiar with case said.
Why Mentally Strong People Attract Toxic People
You are mentally strong, but toxic people seem to surround you. Does Auntie T always come over with a complaint about her neighbors? Does Uncle V show off a new Rolex every time you visit him? You may wonder why such individuals seem to surround you. Avoiding toxic people is not always possible, especially when
How to Balance Chakras with These 7 Essential Oils
Unbalanced chakras can be the reason of emotional problems or physical ones. These essential oils can help balance chakras. Chakras are believed to be points of energy in the body that help us to regulate our bodily processes. There are seven chakras in the human body: Root Sacral Solar Plexus Heart Throat Third eye4 Crown The
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Mental Disorders and Physical Ailments that Are Often Misdiagnosed as Depression
Experts diagnose mental disorders by examining the symptoms and signs shown by their patient. Sometimes other conditions masquerade as depression. Symptoms of mental disorders are described by the individual, while signs are observations of other people and the doctor. For example, if a person has a lot of crying episodes it may be a sign
Saturday, March 4, 2017
How Learning a New Language Rewires Your Brain
Learning a new language alters the very structure of your brain – here is how! Language is one of the great gifts humans possess. It allows us to cooperate and communicate in ways that no other animals on Earth have managed to do. There are thousands of human languages in the world and many humans
Reasons Why People with Self-esteem Issues Are a Perfect Target for Narcissists
Having self-esteem issues makes it difficult to make it through a day, and having narcissistic people around you worsens your situation. Besides feeling depressed, you must deal with someone who keeps putting you down. You may wonder why you seem to have narcissistic people around you all the time. What attracts them to you? Have
When You Stop Smoking, These Things Happen to Your Body
Are you a smoker? Have you ever considered to stop smoking? It’s not a secret that smoking causes more than 4,000,000 deaths every year around the globe. This number will increase dramatically in the future. In the Western countries, smoking is the primary cause of cancer and many conditions associated with premature death. It is
Getting A Massage In The Philippines - YouTube
Getting A Massage In The Philippines Getting A Massage In The Philippines is very low cost. The average price is P200 -P250, depending on the type of massage...
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Woman dies after giving birth to 69 kids
Her husband confirmed the news of her death Palestinian woman known to be the most fertile woman in the world has died.Her husband confirmed the news of her death to Gaza Al-An news agency. According to the Al Arabiya, the 40-year-old woman has given birth to 69 kids. She died on Sunday.Global statistics state that the woman was most fertile in the world.
The U. S. Consular Agency Services In The Philippines - YouTube
The U. S. Consular Agency Services In The Philippines The U.S. Consular Agency In The Philippines is located in Cebu City Philippines. In this video we take ...
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