I have visited the Philippines since 2010, And in 2014, I finally had the opportunity to live in a beautiful place with wonderful, gifted and talented people.
This Blog is dedicated to sharing my experiences as I now live in the Philippines. I am a Black American from Atlanta, GA USA. I hope to be brief, yet informative.
Let's Connect :
Thursday, August 31, 2017
7 Warning Signs That You Have a Social Media Addiction
Social media addiction is more real and dangerous than you could imagine. Could you be suffering? Here are some signs to help you find out. Do you constantly reach for your phone? Do you get that sense of panic when you can’t find it? Are your friends and family constantly competing for your attention? These
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
5 Easy-to-Miss Signs That You Will Never Be Rich!
Well..! No wonder everyone wants to be rich, and some people also say everyone has the same opportunities to become a millionaire. but I don’t think it’s actually true, although everyone can avail the same opportunities in some aspects of their life but same opportunities? Nay… I can’t be Steve Jobs or Mark, but what
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
8 Clever Ways to Say No Without Actually Saying No
Saying no isn't easy to do, and not always the nicest thing. Guess what? There are ways to say no without actually saying the word! No many things cut as deeply as hearing the word no. It’s a form of rejection to most people, telling them that what they are vying for will just not
Monday, August 28, 2017
8 Wild Plants with Powerful Medicinal Properties You Overlooked in Your Garden
Nature is all the rage these days. Wild plants have become a feature in our diets. And that's no surprise. Some of these native plants have jaw-dropping properties that will benefit you and your family. You'll cheer if you know that you can find some of them in your backyard. Advantages and disadvantages of Wild
Sunday, August 27, 2017
The Eye Movement Can Reveal Whether Someone Sees You as a Friend or Something More
There are many signs that indicate someone is interested in you, but your eye movement is the biggest giveaway, new study shows. They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul, and as corny as this is, it actually is true when it comes to finding a new mate according to a new
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Here Is What an Afternoon Nap Does to Your Body and Mind
Most of us find it difficult to get through the day without an afternoon nap. But some people consider it to be a sign of laziness. Is it really so? But the ongoing debate on whether your noon siesta does good or bad to you is a never ending one. Do you ever find
Friday, August 25, 2017
How to Manage Your Money Like a Pro with These Strategies
Money is a complicated thing these days. Fortunately, there are some useful strategies on how to manage your money effectively. Debt piles up quickly, especially if you took out loans to fund your education. Credit cards are easy to get and hard to get out from under. We are thrown out into the world after
7 Things That Separate Mature Relationships from Immature Ones
Here are some differences between mature relationships and immature ones that will help you find out what kind of relationship you are in. As the saying goes, you don’t know a real relationship until you are in one, but there are a few signs that your relationship is mature, rather than immature, making it much
Thursday, August 24, 2017
8 Pieces of Parenting Advice Backed by Recent Psychological Studies
Whether you are a new parent or one with many children, it seems that parenting advice through the years changes drastically. Whereas decades ago it was considered to be acceptable to let babies cry themselves to sleep, nowadays leave your child crying and you’ll face the wrath of both parents and non-parents. So how can
11 Overlooked Home Remedies for Sleep That Really Work
Not able to sleep all day all night? Looks like Insomnia has settled into your life. Here are some of the best home remedies for sleep to help you out. Insomnia could be your worst nightmare, while you awake with every passing second. Insomnia is a condition that doesn’t let you be put into sound
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
15 Clever Social Hacks That Will Help You Master Awkward Social Situations
Use these clever social hacks if social situations make you feel awkward and uncomfortable. Interacting with others in a social setting is what makes us human. It sets us apart from other animals and allows us to make plans for the future, form relationships and seal business deals. But what if these types of social
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Monday, August 21, 2017
Asian Men Rarely Get Prostate Cancer and Here’s Why
Prostate cancer is a challenge for men, just as breast cancer is for women. A search for a cure for these maladies has been going on for years. Interestingly, research has pointed out that the rates of prostate cancer are lower among Asian men than other races. Why do they vary? And is there a way for
Sunday, August 20, 2017
8 Signs of Mid-Life Crisis to Watch out for and How to Deal with Them
They say life starts at 40, but not all welcome this “new beginning” wholeheartedly. Sometimes, a mid-life crisis sets in. The sudden change of perspective in life is often times an unpleasant experience. Mid-life crisis, now called as a transition, is a stereotypical period in life when people are said to do outrageous, impractical things
Saturday, August 19, 2017
If You Want to Change Your Life, Do These 11 Uncomfortable Things
Improvements aren’t always easy to make. If you want to change your life, however, uncomfortable moves are sometimes necessary. Are you feeling stagnant at the moment? Maybe life has reached a plateau and you find yourself falling into a humdrum. This happens to many of us, in fact, everyone comes to a point in their

The future of my family financially is very important to me. I work for myself so it's important that I plan ahead and avoid mistakes. Especially financial pitfalls. I am an Entrepreneur. I help people make money and plan for their financial future as well. It's okay to have a JOB, because it pays the bills. But you should strive to get to the next level and that is working for yourself.
Friday, August 18, 2017
What it Takes to Live Long and Well 105-Year Old Japanese Physician Reveals Longevity Secrets
Do you want to live long? The Japanese know a lot about this subject. Many of them are centenarians and have practical answers to how to live long. Esteemed physician and longevity expert Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara shared some of them with the Japan Times. Note that he was 97 when he did so. He recently
Thursday, August 17, 2017
5 Signs of Needy People in Your Life and How to Deal with Them
Needy people can be in all areas of our lives, and they can latch on to others in an attempt to deal with low self-esteem issues. At first, it can be hard to spot a needy person, but the worse things get the more time and effort it can take up on a daily basis.
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
How Sleep Hormone Plays a Huge Role in the Quality of Your Sleep
There are a number of factors that could be disrupting your sleep, but more than likely, the cause is chemical. Let's talk about the role of sleep hormone. It’s 3:00 am, the alarm clock will be going off in three hours and you’re wide awake. What’s worse, this isn’t the first time this week you’ve
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
10 Signs You Were Raised by Helicopter Parents
Helicopter parents are those moms or dads who take excessive interest in the lives of their children and an overprotective take on their safety. It basically describes a parent who has a tendency to hover over their child… well, like a helicopter at any given moment. Whether it’s to do with school work or experiences,
Monday, August 14, 2017
5 Signs You’re in a Codependent Relationship and What to Do about It
Codependent behaviour is a dysfunction within a relationship that is one-sided. What are the signs of a codependent relationship? The main symptoms are one-half of the relationship relying solely on the other to provide almost all of their emotional needs and self-esteem. In more extreme cases, this can lead to one-half of the relationship enabling
Sunday, August 13, 2017
Acid Reflux: Its Symptoms and How to Treat It Naturally
Many patients share that acid reflux is frustrating and painful. Moreover, not being able to digest food is quite unbearable. A relative of mine who has acid reflux relates that he has to forgo many of his favorite dishes, such as fried chicken because he would throw them up. What is this condition, and how does

This is a new day and a new time. Times are changing and time waits for no man. There is a Global Financial Revolution going on right now. People are discovering the value of Bitcoin. What is it and what can it do for you? Bitcoin is a digital currency used to pay for a variety of goods and services. In many ways, it works the same as paper money with some key differences.The currency's primary form is data so you trade it online, peer to peer, using wallet software or an online service.

Yeah I know you're living from paycheck to paycheck, feeling broke, busted and just plain disgusted. I used to think the purpose of a job was to keep you OUT OF DEBT. But as I've grown older I see most jobs keep you in debt. Here's a way out of this debt cycle. We are now in a new Global economy. A Revolution is in process right now as we speak. It's a Bitcoin Wealth Revolution. Those who get on board now, will reap the benefits of financial independence and abundant wealth in the future.
Saturday, August 12, 2017
10 Signs You Are Dealing with an Attention Seeker
An attention seeker is someone who acts solely in a way that is geared towards garnering the attention of other people. The attention they get makes them feel better about themselves, boosts their self-esteem, and it doesn’t matter if that attention is good or bad. Some people can’t help but seek attention, and they can
Friday, August 11, 2017
Avoidance Behavior: Everything you Need to Know About This Relationship Killer
You know how you distance yourself in relationships from fear of being rejected? Yes, that’s one form of Avoidance behavior. There are healthy relationships and then there are dysfunctional ones as well. Then there is something in between these two, which creates a tense atmosphere of uncertainty. Something called avoidance behavior can make otherwise perfectly
Thursday, August 10, 2017
If You Still Don’t Know Why Recycling Is Important, We Need to Talk
It’s easier for us to assume that everyone knows why recycling is important, even though there is overwhelming statistics that indicate it’s not true. You would think by now everyone would be on top of their recycling game, we have been talking about it for well over 50 years. Rather than bore you with another
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
8 Buddhist Practices That Will Change Your Life Forever
How the morning begins decides how the rest of your day will go, so start yours well with a few life-changing Buddhist practices. I found that these simple Buddhist practices have helped me focus better on my work than before. They have also helped me get through sleepless nights. We don't have to make earth-shaking
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Why You Need Vitamin D (& Why You’re Getting It From the Wrong Source)
If you're health conscious, you know something about Vitamin D. If you're health conscious and you live anywhere that has a real winter, you've likely worried about whether you're getting enough of this vitamin. For the often kooky world of “health and wellness”, Vitamin D has undergone an enormous amount of research. More than most
Monday, August 7, 2017
How to Control Your Emotions With These Science-Based Hacks
If you are easily overwhelmed, you might want to know how to control your emotions. Why? A lack of emotional control upsets apple carts. It also compromises your health. Managing your feelings has benefits. The good news is that there are science-based answers to how to control your emotions. You'll find some of them helpful and

Bitcoin is the future and the future is now! For those of you that have Bitcoin as a part of your financial portfolio, I want o share with you 3 tips that will quickly grow your Bitcoins.
Sunday, August 6, 2017
Ridiculous Beauty Standards Revealed in Before & After Celeb Photos
Beauty standards in our society are getting more and more ridiculous and unrealistic under the influence of the mass media. They say beauty is in the beholder's eye, but not these days, particularly with the growth of pop culture around the globe. In fact, these days the world of entertainment has created some plastic beauty
Saturday, August 5, 2017
Finding A Philippine Pony — Part 1
Finding A Philippine Pony. (last updated 5 August, 2017) If you are mystified about where the title comes from, you probably should refer back to the first article in this series, which explains what we mean by the phrase, There’s a Philippine Pony In There Somewhere But Dave, I Want a Job! No matter how [ ] The post Finding A Philippine Pony Part 1 appeared first on PhilFAQs.
Mental Health Disorders: How to Cope When Your Loved One Is Diagnosed
Mental health disorders are becoming more and more of a problem throughout the world. What to do if your child or loved one is diagnosed? These disorders should be taken very seriously because they can affect the ailing individual’s moods, thoughts, and behaviors. Sometimes this results in the victim doing odd and harmful things. This
Friday, August 4, 2017
Signs That You Have a Too Big Ego and How It Can Ruin Your Life
Do you have a big ego? If you do, your conversations might start with 'I,' 'Me,' and 'My.' According to renowned psychologist Sigmund Freud, our egos regulate our impulses. They remind us to take socially responsible actions. But a too big ego may cause us to become self-serving and seek immediate gratification. This self-centeredness can

Ready to grow your Bitcoins on autopilot? Well, it's definitely possible with USI-TECH, one of my Bitcoin partners. check out this quick 1 minute video. You'll be glad you did. Comment info for more details or click this link now! https://goo.gl/6DWiZe
Thursday, August 3, 2017
How To Build a Tiny House: A Step-By-Step Guide
If you're looking for ways to save space and cost, you'll want to know how to build a tiny house. The Tiny House Movement has gained momentum in recent times. With their minds on small budgets, home owners are seeking cozier ways to live. More people want the answers to how to build a

Being a good person does not mean you have to put up with people's crap! There's a time to be a nice person and there is a time to say enough is enough and too much stinks. And for those of you who say this is throwing in the towel, let me remind you that there is a big difference between giving up and and knowing when enough is enough. The mirror of a person's heart is there actions.
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
10 Startling Mineral and Vitamin Deficiencies that Cause Depression
There are many things that cause depression. Believe it or not, mineral and vitamin deficiencies are one of those factors! If you suffer from depression, most likely you've already been properly diagnosed and matched with a regimen of antidepressants. This is the common case when it comes to most people who suffer from mental disorders
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
How to Calm down Stressed Out and Irritated Skin with These 3 Quick Solutions
Inflamed and irritated skin that is tinged an angry red can be caused by practically anything. You might be using the wrong products or living in a country where the climate can be harsh and unkind. It may also be that you’re feeling an unusual amount of emotional stress, causing it to manifest on your
How to Make a DIY Bug Spray That Really Works and Is 100% Natural
This summer, consider making a DIY bug spray as it’s a much healthier choice than the repellents which are readily available in the market. With summer upon us, unfortunately, most of us will be troubled by the dreaded bugs that accompany our coveted summer. Whilst there are plenty of bug sprays in the shops a
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