I have visited the Philippines since 2010, And in 2014, I finally had the opportunity to live in a beautiful place with wonderful, gifted and talented people.
This Blog is dedicated to sharing my experiences as I now live in the Philippines. I am a Black American from Atlanta, GA USA. I hope to be brief, yet informative.
Let's Connect :
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
8 Signs You Are Secretly Unhappy with Life
Could you be unhappy with life without even realizing it? First of all, you need to recognize the signs and explore the reasons for it. Are you generally a happy person, with realistic expectations in life that can be achieved with a little hard work and positive thinking? Or are you secretly unhappy with life,
Monday, October 30, 2017
Upper Back Pain: What Causes It And How To Relieve It With These Simple Exercises
If you experience a stinging sensation along your spine, you're probably experiencing upper back pain. Upper back pain is unbearable, but the good news is that you can relieve it. There are exercises you can do while you're hard at work at the office. What is Upper Back Pain? According to the National Institue of
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Frequent Mood Swings May Reveal These 11 Underlying Problems
No one is just “crazy” so let’s stop the stigma about mood swings. Honestly, there are many things which trigger these changes in character. There is a negative view on mood swings and the people who experience them. In fact, most all of us have been through this before, in some form or another. It’s
Saturday, October 28, 2017
12 Most Endangered Animals in the World That Are Almost Extinct
Did you know that the most endangered animals in the world are gradually facing extinction and may completely disappear in the few next years? Well, the list of the most endangered animals that are threatened by extinction features some animals that you could not even imagine. The sad bit is that most of these animals
Friday, October 27, 2017
7 Ways Switching to Alternative Energy Sources Helps You Save Money and the Environment
Did you know that one of the best ways to combat the rising cost of living is to switch to alternative energy sources? None of us are strangers to the ever-increasing cost of living in this day and age. Money seems to fly out of pockets faster than in flies in, and all of us
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
3 Types of Attachment Issues and How They Could Be Ruining Your Love Life
If you have problems with your love life that seem to occur time and time again, you might have attachment issues that arise from your childhood. To find out if you have attachment issues, first of all, you need to explore your childhood and your relationships with your parents. No, we are not going into
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
A 10 Day Blood Sugar Detox to Completely Cleanse Your Body from Sugar
Hyperglygemia is disastrous, so many of us will need a 10 day blood sugar detox. Blood sugar levels are on the rise because more people are on high-fat, high-sugar diets. With life being busier than ever, there’s little time for us to bother about what we eat. Nonetheless, we have to stop our blood sugar from
10-Day Blood Sugar Detox to Completely Cleanse Your Body from Sugar
Blood sugar that's too high can spell disaster, as you probably know. Blood sugar levels are on the rise because more people are on high-fat, high-sugar diets. With life being busier than ever, there’s little time for us to bother about what we eat. Nonetheless, we have to stop our blood sugar from spiking. What
Do It Yourself or Ask For Help — Philippines
Do It Yourself or Ask For Help. (Last updated 24 October, 2017) I had fun recently writing about my waiting for the chicken article centered around getting my car fixed. I’m glad some other folks enjoyed it also. Life Is About The Experience Of Getting Things Done I actually had fun that day living out [ ] The post Do It Yourself or Ask For Help Philippines appeared first on PhilFAQs.
Monday, October 23, 2017
How to Handle Relationship Arguments Without Distancing Yourself from Your Significant Other
Nothing gets as heated as relationship arguments. Romantic couples need to find ways to disagree without creating division. I’ve been in my fair share of relationship arguments, and most of the time they resorted to negative words that fueled anger on both sides. Yes, it's gotten pretty ruthless at times between my intimate partner and
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Going Outdoors Has These Remarkable Mental Health Benefits – Infographic
Did you know that going outdoors and spending just 15 minutes in the sun every day can have incredible benefits on a person’s mood and mental health? Those of us seeking to improve our mental wellbeing know the importance of exercise in that process. Less well known are the benefits of going outdoors and spending
Saturday, October 21, 2017

REQUIREMENTS FOR A FOREIGN NATIONAL TO GET A CHECKING ACCOUNT IN THE PHILIPINE https://youtu.be/ahCBTbKx5NE is an informationaI video describing the details ...
10 Signs That Your Life Balance Is Off and How to Get It Back
Do you often feel tired for no reason? Does it sometimes seem to you that you’ve lost interest in everything? Your life balance may be off. Eastern civilizations have incorporated the word “balance” in their daily routine and have made a religion out of it. For many Japanese people, for example, balance is a very
Friday, October 20, 2017
If You Are Dating an Introvert, Here are 5 Things You Should Know
Introverts have a bad reputation when it comes to relationships and friendships. If you are dating an introvert, there are some things you should know. Introverts are often seen as shy and unsure of themselves, making them difficult to develop a relationship with, when in reality they are usually the opposite. The term ‘introvert’ refers
Thursday, October 19, 2017
6 Remarkable Ways Your Gut Health Affects Your Life and How To Restore It
We take pains to take care of our hearts, lungs, skin, and weight, but we often forget our gut health. Consequently, we don't pay enough attention to what put in our bodies. But our gut health impacts our well-being in profound ways. A healthy gut keeps our brains and psyche in tip-top shape. .It also
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
How to Recognize a Narcissistic Friend in Your Life
You’ve heard of narcissistic intimate relationships that cause all sorts of trouble, but what about that narcissistic friend? There are numerous articles which talk about narcissistic intimate relationships – you can use the signs to discover if your husband or wife is actually a toxic person. But many people never even think about close friends
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
What Is an ESA Dog and What You Should Know Before Getting One
What is an ESA dog? Emotional support animals (ESA) are fast gaining popularity among people who are suffering mental or emotional problems. They provide the comfort, companionship, and affection needed when trying to cope with the symptoms or effects of an emotional or mental disability. If you’re considering getting an ESA dog, there are a
6 Toxic Behaviors Social Media Users Adopt Without Even Noticing
Social media users are notorious for poor online conduct. The sweet-tempered secretary who greets you at the office may have a nasty online persona. She is among the social media users who behave one way online, and quite another off. Why the 'split personality? What are the effects of errant conduct on Facebook and Twitter?
Just Fall In Line Behind The Chicken
Just Fall In Line Behind The Chicken. (Last Updated 17 October, 2017) Hauling Out and Dusting Off An Old Favorite I first published this post seven years ago. It s always been a favorite of mine, because it tells a lot about what it s really like to live in the Philippines, day by day. It has [ ] The post Just Fall In Line Behind The Chicken appeared first on PhilFAQs.
Monday, October 16, 2017
Titanium Dioxide: a Toxic Metal Which Is Commonly Added to Foods and Beauty Products
Toxic metals, such as titanium dioxide, are being added to our food and beauty products without us realizing just how dangerous they are. Many of those have been linked to cancer and brain damage, so it’s important to know the dangers and what to look for on the labels. Titanium Dioxide is produced and added
Sunday, October 15, 2017
How to Make Your Hair Healthy: Cold Weather Care Tips and Remedies
If you are wondering how to make your hair healthy, you probably already know that your hair needs special care during the colder months. Achieving healthy-looking, glossy hair has been somewhat of a preoccupation for most of us, even in ancient times. In the days before salons, Chinese woman bathed their hair in fermented rice
Artemisinin: a Cancer-Fighting Substance from a Little-Known Chinese Herb
A component called artemisinin found in a little-known Chinese herb appears to be 1200 times more specific against cancer than the current drugs. Cancer has been wreaking havoc across the globe with virtually everyone feeling the devastating effects of this disease. These days, chances are if you do not have cancer, you probably know someone
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Gym and Sports Injuries – How to Prevent Them
Research has shown that accidents and bad habits that lead to sports injuries can start in childhood. "Practice makes perfect," but even seasoned athletes can get into trouble pursuing their sport. And these initial accidents can lead to chronic problems, especially with certain areas prone to injury. While certain sports injuries can be unique to
Friday, October 13, 2017
How to Deal With Toxic People in a Mentally Strong Way
You can cry or you can get angry, but none of these will work. There are better ways of learning how to deal with toxic people, trust me. This is how I learned to deal with toxic people. I'm ashamed to admit that it took decades of my life to learn how to deal with
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Making It Hard On Yourself in the Philippines
You know there are lots of reasons that foreigners can have a hard time living here in the Philippines, so there is no reason to make it hard on yourself in the Philippines or so this old man opines at any rate. (Last Updated 13 October, 2017) But it s likely you are saying, How stupid is that, Dave? [ ] The post Making It Hard On Yourself in the Philippines appeared first on PhilFAQs.
5 Reasons Taking Probiotics Is Vital for Optimal Health
Wondering whether you should be taking probiotics? Research has shown again and again that probiotics are absolutely vital for optimal health. However, the medical world is only just starting to comprehend how widespread the benefits of probiotic supplements are throughout our bodies. Since it would be impossible to list all the ways that taking probiotics
Hydrotherapy: an Amazingly Simple Way to Boost Your Immunity in Just 15 Seconds a Day
Ever heard of the term hydrotherapy? Well, if you haven’t then you are surely missing out on something marvelous. For starters, hydrotherapy refers to the use of water i.e in any forms of water be it water, ice or steam, for the purposes of treating various diseases and improving general health and wellness. Well, there
Did Your Car Just Break Down?
Did Your Car Just Break Down? (Last Updated 12 October, 2017) Recently a friend sent me this in an email. He was telling me about an experience he had when he used to live in Las Vegas. Seemed an interesting story. One night at a party, people took turns explaining how they happened to wind [ ] The post Did Your Car Just Break Down? appeared first on PhilFAQs.
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
How to Perform Chakra Cleansing with These Natural Methods
If you feel ill-at-ease spiritually, you probably need a dose of chakra cleansing. Spring clean your soul, just as you would your home. Chakra cleansing helps with the former. We introduce you to the different chakras and how to clear them the natural, life-giving way. What is Chakra? A chakra is the body's energy center.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Top 10 Fulfilling Jobs According to Psychology – Is Your Profession on the List?
This list of the most fulfilling jobs may surprise you, yet, it is based on the results of psychological studies. Is your profession on the list? Does your job make you leap out of bed every morning? Do you look forward to going to work and cannot wait to start the day? It’s true, we
Monday, October 9, 2017
7 Signs You Are Going through Quarter Life Crisis (and How to Deal with It)
Everyone has gone through a quarter life crisis at some point in their life. This period usually kicks in between 20 and 30 years of age, marking the final step towards becoming an adult. This can be a terrifying period for many young people who don’t have a clue about what to do with themselves.
Philippine Cost Of Living — Can I Live in the Philippines on $1300 a Month?
Can I Live in the Philippines on $1300 a Month? It’s been a little while since I wrote here on PhilFAQS, especially about Philippine Cost Of Living. For background and historical review, I ve written a lot about Philippine cost of living in the past, if you want more, just type in Philippine Cost of Living [ ] The post Philippine Cost Of Living — Can I Live in the Philippines on $1300 a Month? appeared first on PhilFAQs.
Sunday, October 8, 2017
7 Ways Authentic Happiness Differs from the Fake Version
Authentic happiness doesn’t depend on what you do or your friends. Quite the contrary, real happiness is something much more than that. Life can be confusing, especially during those years when you're fighting and trying to gain your footing in the world. Self-love is also fleeting and authentic happiness seems like an emotion that just
Saturday, October 7, 2017
10 Signs of a Toxic Friend Who Is Secretly Poisoning Your Life
A toxic friend can turn your life upside down, whether you realize it. You may not know how bad your friend is for you because you're caught up in your friendship. But you'll feel the toxicity. So, how would you recognize a toxic friend before he or she poisons your life completely? How do you
Friday, October 6, 2017
10 Signs of a Controlling Relationship You Should Never Ignore
Relationships can be complicated at the best of times, but there are some relationships that can turn toxic. How to recognize a controlling relationship? This can sneak up on you, or it could happen all at once, but once it happens it can be detrimental to both partners in the relationship, and to those around
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Why You Are Not Reaching Your True Potential and What to Do about It
What does it mean for someone to reach their true potential? We talk about someone doing this, or failing to do this, all the time, but what do we actually mean by it? When it comes right down to the language, nobody seems to know what we actually mean – and we cannot articulate what
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
8 Things you Should Stop Doing Right fter Getting up in the Morning
Getting up in the morning is stressful, as many people will share. For many of us, getting up in the morning is a hassle. We often start our days on autopilot and go through our daily routines, forgetting about our well-being. There are some activities, such as exercise and meditation, which make the day easier
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
7 Negative Behavior Situations That Kill Your Confidence and Ways to Avoid Them
There are some negative behavior patterns that you may be following unconsciously and that is destroying your self-confidence without you even knowing. You put on your favorite jeans. You just got new shoes and you love them. Your favorite jacket is ready to go. You look good and you know it. Suddenly, the old patterns
Monday, October 2, 2017
10 Questions to Ask to Deepen Your Connection with Someone
There are some thought-provoking questions to ask when you seek to deepen your connection with a person, especially if it is a romantic partner. Whether you have been with a partner for ten months or ten years, you can always find yourself finding out more about them and feeling closer in the relationship. You may
Sinus Infection: Symptoms and effective Natural Remedies
If you've had a sinus infection before, you'll know how troubling it is. A sinus infection leaves you with a stuffed nose and makes breathing difficult. Consequently, you'd wonder if you can get rid of it without going through the painful hassle of surgery. Those who suffer from Sinusitis should cheer because there are ways
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Sinus Infection:Symptoms and effective Natural Remedies
If you've had a sinus infection before, you'll know how troubling it is. A sinus infection leaves you with a stuffed nose and makes breathing difficult. Consequently, you'd wonder if you can get rid of it without going through the painful hassle of surgery. Those who suffer from Sinusitis should cheer because there are ways
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