I have visited the Philippines since 2010, And in 2014, I finally had the opportunity to live in a beautiful place with wonderful, gifted and talented people.
This Blog is dedicated to sharing my experiences as I now live in the Philippines. I am a Black American from Atlanta, GA USA. I hope to be brief, yet informative.
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Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Drinking Water After Eating And During Your Meal Is Bad And Here’s Why
No one needs to tell you that water is good for you. But drinking water after eating might pose some problems. There's no question that water's beneficial, but it's when you drink it that counts. Most of us do so after meals because the seasoning in our food makes us thirsty. However, drinking water after
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
3 Common Friendship Problems and How to Solve Them without Losing Friends
Friendships are necessary for us – after all, we are social animals. But there can be a lot of different friendship problems, which sometimes can make us wonder why we bother. The various friendship problems we may have to depend on the type of relationship with our friends, which also means that each requires a
Monday, February 26, 2018
7 Ways How Surviving Infidelity Makes a Marriage Stronger
Surviving infidelity is not an easy thing to do. As the partner who has been cheated on, infidelity can make you feel like you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. Staying with your marriage mate after they have been unfaithful can feel unbearable, but leaving them may feel even worse. Can surviving infidelity
Sunday, February 25, 2018
4 Signs Your Fear Of Being Alone Makes You Attract The Wrong People
Most people would agree, it is not fun feeling alone. However, if you have a real, genuine fear of being alone, it is even less fun. It can actually be terrifying. The sad thing is that so many people get involved in relationships, based on this fear rather than actually having a genuine connection to
Saturday, February 24, 2018
5 Signs You Need a Career Change and What You Should Know Before Making It
If going to work seems like an endless chore, you might need to consider a career change and moving on with your life. Having a career change at any point in your life can seem like a very stressful experience and most people will avoid doing it, just so they don’t lose that sense of
Friday, February 23, 2018
10 Movies that Make You Cry No Matter How Tough You Are
Think you’re a tough guy, or girl? Think you can sit through any given movie without shedding a tear. Let me challenge you to a few movies that make you cry. Let’s face it, there are chick flicks that make most girls cry, like The Notebook. Yes, most people know about this movie and they
Thursday, February 22, 2018
What Causes Constipation And What Foods And Activities To Avoid
If you have that bloated feeling or can't move your bowels, you'll want to know what causes constipation. Not being able to visit the bathroom can leave you miserable. You lose your appetite and have a perpetual heaviness in your stomach. Here's some insight into what causes constipation and what you can do to avoid
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
5 Signs You Have a Fear of Intimacy (and What Could Be Hiding Behind It)
People often pin the failure of a relationship on a fear of intimacy. But what does this actually mean? Fear of intimacy is often mistaken for the inability to be close to a romantic or sexual partner. However, a fear of intimacy is actually a social phobia and anxiety disorder where you are afraid of
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Monday, February 19, 2018
Anxiety in Children: What Causes it and How to Recognize the Early Symptoms
Does your child seem to stress and worry about everything? Well, anxiety in children can be more common than you think, and it might be happening in your family. I never realized how anxious I was as a child until I grew older. Considering my anxiety was something I endured from as long as I
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Brain Foods That Will Enhance Your Memory and Mental Power
The brain is the organ that enables others to function and is the body part with the most responsibilities. Consequently, we need brain foods to keep it going. The brain stores your memory and consciousness. It also guides your concentration, so it's imperative that you keep it healthy. As you can see, it deals with
Saturday, February 17, 2018
5 Reasons Trust in a Relationship Is Important (and How We Can Cultivate It)
Trust in a relationship is an essential part of any partnership. But if I asked you what was most important in a relationship you would might say love. Of course, love is important. Loving someone makes us feel connected and valued, so where does trust come into it? According to the Relationships Surveys Indicators 2011,
Valentine’s Day: Tainted Jewelry Supply Chains - YouTube

Jewelry and watch companies need to do more to ensure that their supply chains are free of human rights abuse, ahead of Valentine’s Day. In addition, civil s...
Friday, February 16, 2018
What Forward Head Posture Is Doing to Your Health and How to Fix It
Forward head posture is a condition that affects a great number of people today. As with many other health issues faced by modern people, a sedentary lifestyle is to blame. Ah, computers, the wonders of modern technology that allow us to communicate, travel, pretty much do many things at the click of a button and
Thursday, February 15, 2018
9 Interesting Facts About Earth You Didn’t Learn In School
In school, you learn many interesting facts about earth. There are other intriguing facts, however, that you still may not know. I applaud the education system in some countries. In others, I will just keep my mouth shut. All jokes aside, it's amazing how schools have taught us so many interesting facts about earth, including
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
What Causes Workplace Conflict and How to Resolve It in Six Steps
When employees of various backgrounds join one company, workplace conflict is nearly inevitable. Although they have a shared business purpose, they also have different approaches to getting things done. Workplace conflict may occur, but it should be managed and resolved in the best way possible. Emotional stress takes over and quickly diminish the employee value
You Have Sensitive Skin If You Can Relate to These Signs (and How to Care for It)
The term sensitive skin is something which is often thrown about without understanding the full meaning and consequences behind it. The term ‘sensitive skin’ will refer to the increased reactivity of the skin to products or conditions that to most other people do not cause a reaction. For example, someone who overuses a product, or
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Tooth Abscess: Symptoms, Causes And Natural Relief Remedies
Is your tooth unbearably painful? You may want to see a dentist because you have a tooth abscess. A tooth abscess is dangerous, and you shouldn't ignore it. We explain its causes, symptoms, and introduce you to a few natural ways to treat it. What is tooth abscess? A tooth abscess develops when pus collects
Monday, February 12, 2018
You Have Found Your Life Partner If You Can Relate to These 8 Things
The journey to finding a life partner can often be challenging. There are highs and lows, heartbreaks and often lots and lots of first dates. But despite the ups and downs, the search for a life partner is often seen as the most important task in our lives. We sacrifice a lot to find ‘the
How to Perform Hip Flexor Stretches to Prepare Your Body for Exercise
What and where are your hip flexors and what can you do to soften them up? These hip flexor stretches will help you do exactly that. The hip flexors are a group of muscles that are found at the tops of your thighs and they connect the leg to the hip. Any sort of movement
Saturday, February 10, 2018
7 Reasons Why the Mediterranean Diet Is One of the Healthiest Diets in the World
The Mediterranean Diet is one of the healthiest in the world for a number of reasons. Year in, year out there seems to be no end to the number of diets that pop up. You will often hear people saying 'This is the best diet ever" or "This diet will change your life". However, a
Friday, February 9, 2018
What Causes Dark Circles Under Eyes And How To Get Rid Of Them Naturally
Dark circles under eyes are disturbing. They affect our appearance, and consequently, mood. How do dark circles under eyes form? Everyone's under pressure to look fabulous and wants the answer to this question. Of course, the most pressing concern is getting rid of these annoying dark rings. Life Advancer introduces some natural remedies that may
What Is Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Natural Ways to Relieve It
Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition which prevents the sufferer from breathing properly at night. Fortunately, there are some natural ways to deal with it. Sleep. Heard of it? It's that thing none of us are getting anymore. An ever-increasing amount of us suffer from sleep disorders. And while any disruption to our slumber is
Thursday, February 8, 2018
What Is an Emotional Affair and How to Recognize If Your Partner Has One
An emotional affair can be just as dangerous and destructive to a relationship as a physical one. It is a sign that your partner feels unfulfilled in the relationship as it currently stands. There are, however, distinct differences between an emotional affair and a physical affair, which is the reason that people react to them
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
5 Training Methods and How to Find Which Works Better for You
There are five major training methods that vary according to the needs of the person involved in physical activity. How to find which of them suits you most? With daily exercise being recommended by many health professionals, we find many people carrying out different activities and training regimens in order to improve their overall health.
What is The True Definition of Love According to The Buddha?
The word love is used lightly in so many different circumstances. However, the true definition of love challenges us to dig deeper. I remember so many levels of understanding in life while I was searching for the true definition of love. I thought about the young love that I experienced as a teenager and wondered
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
5 Signs Getting Married Is More Important for You Than Genuine Happiness
Many people dream of getting married from a young age. There is still a huge societal pressure to tie the knot, whether you're single or in a relationship. Could the idea of getting married be getting in the way of your happiness? If you're single and heading towards thirty, you'll know it's near impossible to attend
Monday, February 5, 2018
Skin Types: What to Know About Each and how to Find your Type
Are you curious about your skin type? The various skin types have different maintenance needs. Your skin is the first thing everyone notices. Of course, it must be in tiptop shape. This guide tells you about the different skin types and how to find yours. We bring you a few sought-after skincare tips too. What
Sunday, February 4, 2018
How to Make a Face Mask for Acne: 5 Recipes That Really Work
Having acne can really get you down, I know because I’ve been there. I’ve tried countless ways to make a face mask for acne and can confidently say that this roundup of recipes is the best that I’ve found to date. Better yet, most of these face masks for acne can be made using ingredients
Hip Pain: Causes, Symptoms and Natural Ways to Relieve It
Are you suffering from hip pain? In today’s article, we will discuss the causes and symptoms of this condition as well as the ways to relieve it. Before we talk about hip pain, let’s explore the anatomy of the hip joint to better understand how it works. Overview The hip is a socket joint between
Saturday, February 3, 2018
What Is a Birth Plan and Why Every Mother-To-Be Needs to Make One
A birth plan is a lot more popular in the US rather than the UK, here in the UK we are recommended to have a think about some of the basics regarding skin to skin, cord clamping and pain relief. Giving birth is an unpredictable event so it’s quite hard to have a birth plan
Friday, February 2, 2018
Positive Attitude Quotes To Start Your Day With
You know how it feels to get up on the wrong side of the bed. It's important to start the day right, and positive attitude quotes help with this. You are what you think; your attitude sets the course for your day. There are a million ways you can cultivate a healthy one. Positive attitude
Thursday, February 1, 2018
All Healthy Relationships Have These 9 Traits. Are You in One?
If you’re in a healthy relationship, you will know by the characteristics displayed. There are certain traits which define your partnership. In case you didn’t know, perfect relationships do not exist. However, healthy relationships do, and with the right balance, you can have a healthy relationship. Yes, it’s possible to cultivate a great union with
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