I have visited the Philippines since 2010, And in 2014, I finally had the opportunity to live in a beautiful place with wonderful, gifted and talented people.
This Blog is dedicated to sharing my experiences as I now live in the Philippines. I am a Black American from Atlanta, GA USA. I hope to be brief, yet informative.
Let's Connect :
Friday, June 30, 2017
There’s a Philippine Pony In There Somewhere
Business Ideas Philippines. (Last Updated 1 July 2017) If you are old enough to remember Ronald Reagan’s speeches (and whatever your thoughts of him as a president (no political comments, please, I’ll delete them all) as a speaker Reagan makes the incumbent look boring ) you’ll likely remember this story: It was Reagan’s favorite joke. [ ] The post There s a Philippine Pony In There Somewhere appeared first on PhilFAQs.
How to Get Rid of Belly Fat in 10 Days with These 5 Drinks
Whether you're just starting a new workout plan or need to get rid of belly fat before beach season, losing weight and getting in shape can be a difficult task. Even those who diet and workout for hours each day have trouble losing that last little bit of fat around the midsection. While diet and
Thursday, June 29, 2017
9 Ways to Slow Down the Aging Process
If reversing aging belongs to the realm of fantasy, it is possible to slow down the aging process. Here is how. One time, Salma Hayek shared her thoughts about Botox. “Botox, trust me I've been tempted — but I resist!..It all atrophies! Plus, if you freeze a muscle in your face, other muscles have to
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
10 Toxic Substances Found in Foods You Probably Eat Every Day
The fast pace of modern society has caused people to take in unhealthy food and toxic substances. Without you realizing it, toxic substances have damaged your health and environment. The good news is that the awareness about them is rising. To boost it further, here's a list of toxic substances that you don't want in
I confess that even though I know right from wrong I choose wrong. I confess that when I should remove myself from an unhealthy relationship, I remain. I confess that I smoke cigarettes when I know it causes health problems. The above are not my personal confessions however they are common confessions of cognitive dissonants.
What Happens When You Surround Yourself with Empowering People
It is said that you are the average of the five people that you spend the most time with. So what if you surround yourself with empowering people? People you hang out with do matter for your wellbeing and personal development. It’s important to think about whom you are spending your time with, as they
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
7 Reasons why an Old-Fashioned Relationship Is Happier Than a Modern One
Ever dreamed of an old-fashioned love? There are some good reasons why relationships were happier in the past than they are in the modern world. With modernity, has come many great things which make our life easier and more fun! We don’t have to wash our own dishes or figure out directions in advance anymore,
Walt Disney once said, "If you can dream it, you can do it." The power of a dream can be both magical and mystical.
Every success story started with a dream. You gotta undrstand dreams are the fuel that propels your passions. The bigger the dream the bigger the GRIND> Yeah that's right, in order for your dreams to come true , you have to put in the work.
Monday, June 26, 2017
Study Finds What Makes Someone Attractive (and It’s not Good Looks)
Think you know what makes someone attractive to the opposite sex? If you had to guess, what traits would you suggest? Someone who is good-looking, with a nice physique and who is easy to get on with? Surprisingly, researchers found none of these common physical traits top of the list of what makes someone attractive.
Why The Millennial Generation Is The Most Misunderstood
The millennial generation is often seen as entitled and narcissistic, but is it possible they are just misunderstood? The Millennial generation, or Generation Y, includes people born in the early 1980s to the early 2000s. Born into a world of advanced communication and technology, this generation has been raised differently than anyone before. People of
Sunday, June 25, 2017
How Low Can You Go With Philippine Cost of Living?
(Last updated 26 Jun 2017) How Low Can You Go With Philippine Cost of Living? As I recently posted, Philippine Cost of Living — Don’t Be Too Damn Cheap , yet again, in spite of all the really important issues you need to decide upon for yourself, the number one questions on virtually everyone s mind is Cost [ ] The post How Low Can You Go With Philippine Cost of Living? appeared first on PhilFAQs.
Why Getting Fired Is a Blessing in Disguise
In our world today, it’s impossible to survive without having a source of income. But what if I told you that getting fired is not always something bad? Accessing the essentials and luxuries of life heavily depends on your ability to acquire (buy) them. For a number of individuals, being employed is the best way
Saturday, June 24, 2017
How To Get Rid of Flies With This Super Effective Life Hack
If there's one thing everyone wants to know, it's how to get rid of flies. With barbecues, beach parties and the sun, what's not to love about the summer? Pesky flies, of course. These nasty insects can spoil your summer fun. So what's the answer to how to get rid of flies? And how can
Friday, June 23, 2017
10 Things Only People Who Suffer from Wanderlust Will Understand
Wanderlust is the strong desire to wander, travel and explore the world. A beach holiday once a year is far from enough, people with wanderlust seek the road less traveled...just about every other day. Those who suffer from wanderlust simply aren’t happy unless they are discovering new places. They feel an overwhelming need to see
Thursday, June 22, 2017
Why You Should Make Bad Decisions from Time to Time
Bad decisions can teach us many important life lessons if we are open to learning from them. People make hundreds of small decisions on a daily basis without even noticing it. It seems like we have to make some kind of choice each time we take even the smallest step, so we get used to
Scandinavians Are Some Of The Happiest People On Earth Because Of These 7 Things
Scandinavians always emerge as the world's happiest people, and it isn't hard to understand why. Many Scandinavians appreciate life's little pleasures, a concept known as 'Hagge.' So what exactly are these little, but important sources of joy? And what are the things you can do, to make yourself as happy as they are? Scandinavians Are
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
5 Reasons Powerful Women Are Unhappy in Relationships
Powerful women seem like they have it all; an important career, a great image and the ability to be independent. What more could one want? It’s no surprise that many women aspire to be powerful, as with power comes wonderful things. If a woman is powerful she’s less likely to be taken advantage of. If
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Incredible Yoga Positions by Heidi Williams Convey an Important Message
We all know about the health benefits of practicing yoga positions or asanas. But one inspiring girl also uses them to convey a powerful message. You probably won't have heard of Heidi Williams unless you are a social media loving yogi, but you should know who she is as she and her beautiful yoga
Monday, June 19, 2017
Buying a Condo in the Philippines — For Foreigners
Buying a Condo in the Philippines. (Last updated 19 June 2017) This is another article suggested to me by a reader a few weeks back. I welcome such suggestions. I like to write about what people want to read about. As A Foreigner You Can Not Legally Buy Land In The Philippines This has been [ ] The post Buying a Condo in the Philippines For Foreigners appeared first on PhilFAQs.
Cannot Lose Weight? Here Is How Your Brain Could Be Sabotaging Your Weight-Loss Efforts
Are you having headaches because you cannot lose weight? You might want to hold your brain responsible for your difficulties. But why is your brain to blame if you cannot lose weight? Can you trick it into helping you with your efforts? Why Your Brain Might Stop You From Losing Weight So why is it that
Sunday, June 18, 2017
Best Cellulite Reduction Routine That Really Works
If you are struggling with cellulite problem, here is a simple and effective cellulite reduction routine for you to follow. We love it when people spread positive body image, like when Meghan Trainor, for instance, sang that “every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top”. We’ve even seen movements that celebrated
Were You Raised by Toxic Parents, or Is This You? Here’s How To Know For Sure
It’s a whole other ball game to be raised by toxic parents. These are the people who help mold you into the person you are. I’m not sure if I had toxic parents, but I know one of them had similar traits. It was my father. I loved my father just like all little girls
Ins and Outs of Home Loans in the Philippines — 2017
In s and Out s of Home Loans in the Philippines. (Last Updated 18 June, 2017) I was asked by a reader a month or so back to write a bit on this subject, since I (a US citizen) have now chalked up two different home loans living here in the Philippines. Home Loans in the Philippines [ ] The post Ins and Outs of Home Loans in the Philippines 2017 appeared first on PhilFAQs.
Saturday, June 17, 2017
7 Essential Financial Planning Tips to Get You Prepared for Sudden Events in Life
Here are some basic financial planning strategies which will help you get ready for any unexpected expenses. Life is interesting. But sometimes it tends to throw some hard moments that are really hard to predict. It’s true that the punch you don’t see coming puts you down, but you don’t have to land on a
Friday, June 16, 2017
Is There Divorce in the Philippines?
Is There Divorce in the Philippines? (Updated 17 June 2017) Isn’t it always great when you get a note from a reader telling you that you got things wrong? Recently I got such a note from a reader name of Paul. Paul picked up on something I have written more than once in the past, [ ] The post Is There Divorce in the Philippines? appeared first on PhilFAQs.
Manipulation in Relationships Is Not Always Obvious: This Is How You Recognize the Sneakiest Forms
By now, you may be pretty educated about manipulation in relationships. But watch out! You may not be aware of its sneakiest forms. Manipulation in relationships is a form of control. I think most of us know that already, and we are all capable of this act. I would even go as far as to
Thursday, June 15, 2017
6 Self-Care Activities to Brighten Your Day
There are some essential self-care activities that can significantly improve the quality of your life and make you feel better. Everyone’s schedule gets hectic from time to time. Sometimes it feels like you’re caught in a hamster wheel that you can’t get out of. Over time, stress builds and begins to wear on our bodies
Here Is What Happens If You Eat Too Much Sugar
Do you know what happens if you eat too much sugar? You probably know that it isn't good for you, but do you realize what it does to your body?What happens if you eat too much sugar? A study will explain what happens to you after you've satisfied your sugar rush. If you're watching your
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
You’re Ready to Settle Down When You Experience These 9 Things
Everyone experiences the urge to settle down at different points in their life. Do you feel you may be ready? While some are ready to settle down soon after high school or college, others may need more time to move around and discover their path in life. Are you one of those people who thought
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
You’ve Been Making Coffee the Wrong Way, so Here’s How to Do It Right
Is making coffee a vital part of your morning routine? If it is, count yourself among 400 million people who are making coffee on a daily basis. Coffee has astounding benefits and astonishing effects. You can make the most of your early morning Java if you prepare it correctly. That said, take a few precautions
Perfect Cheese Board: Everything You Need to Know – Infographic
On the off chance that meeting a cheese shop is a general and ordinary event in your week, then offering your curates luxuries on the best cheese board is an absolute necessity. Picking the correct cheese board can mean the contrast between a ho-murmur hors d'oeuvre platter and an amazing element party pleaser that visitors
Monday, June 12, 2017
5 Ways Exercise Makes You Feel and Look Younger
Regular exercise can do wonders to the way you look and the way you feel. In fact, it can make you look younger. The moment you decide to get off that chair and make it a habit of heading to the gym, rolling out the yoga mat, or even take a hike in the woods,
5 Signs You Are Living a Wasted Life and How To Fix It
Do you ever feel you're living a wasted life? If you only have one life to live, why not make it the most incredible life possible? Making the most out of life seems like an obvious conclusion, but like many things, it's easier said than done. Great things often come at the risk of negative
Sunday, June 11, 2017
Here Is What Your Doctor Didn’t Tell You About Your Mental Health Medications
Mental health medications seem like the answer to all our anxieties, depression and other various disorders, but what are doctors leaving out? From the beginning, I have struggled with mental health issues, and I have also struggled with regulating medications. I’m not here to wage war against the medications, neither am I here to advocate
What it Takes to Be a Perfect Woman in Today’s Society
I am not a perfect woman, and far from it. But in case you’re looking for her, society has a distinct blueprint. I’m going to try not to get too emotional while writing this, as I am not the ideal mother or the perfect woman. I am deeply flawed and far from the female, bragged
Saturday, June 10, 2017
7 Things That Separate True Friends from Fake Ones
Have you ever wondered if the people you surround yourself with are your true friends? Here are some things to help you know for sure. When we are younger we believe the more friends we have, the more popular we look and ultimately the happier we will be. But as we get older, start working
Friday, June 9, 2017
How to Organize Your Summer Months So You Make the Most of Them
Are you using the summer months to improve your health or are you wasting the best period of the year entirely? Unlike the moody spring or the chilly autumn, the summer months offer the best opportunities to go out and enjoy life on a daily basis. Besides enjoyment, leaving the apartment can also greatly aid
How to Increase Serotonin and Dopamine Levels in Your Brain
If you suffer from depression or are just feeling down, here are ways to increase serotonin and dopamine in your brain to make yourself happy again. Often when people are feeling down, they will try to raise their spirits the most convenient way they know how. Sometimes this includes binge-watching TV and eating copious amounts
Thursday, June 8, 2017
The Link between Poor Nutrition and Mental Disorders No One Talks about
What if I told you that your poor nutrition may be responsible for your mental health issues? Various studies show the link between the two. Diets have always been discussed and debated as a way to improve health with no clear outcomes. Losing weight, looking and feeling better, having more energy and sleeping better are
Yoga Breathing Techniques to Help You Combat Anxiety and Stress
Yoga breathing techniques, also known as Pranayamas, can be practiced not only in a yoga class but also during a meditation or your working day. In the world of yoga, pranayama is the life force so learning how to control it is essential not only for practicing yoga but also for helping you in stressful
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
3 Reasons Why Unhappy People Aren’t Always Meant To Be Fixed
When you know and care about unhappy people, it’s your first inclination to do whatever you can to fix them. Believe it or not, unhappy people aren’t always meant to be fixed...by someone else. Much of the time unhappy people need to find their own path out of the darkness and it’s not going to
Warning Signs of Passive-aggressive Behavior in a Relationship And How To Deal With It
Passive-aggressive behavior is probably not new to you. You must have experienced unresolved feelings after someone completely ignored you. When passive-aggressive behavior rears its ugly head in a relationship, it can have disastrous effects. So what is this unwanted treatment, and what are its signs? Most importantly, how would you deal with it before it
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
What You Need to Know about Acne Skin Care in the Summer
Many people think that you can stop your acne skin care if you are spending much time outdoors in the summer. Is it true? Your skin is the largest of your body’s organs. It is comprised of three main layers: epidermis, dermis and the subcutaneous tissue. You lose between 30,000 and 40,000 skin cells almost
6 Signs You’re in a Bad Company (Without Even Realizing It)
Sometimes we are in a bad company without even realizing it. Being around the wrong people can steal your happiness and hinder your progress. You may find yourself working hard to be a positive and happy person, yet, somehow something keeps dragging you down. Why can’t you seem to get this sense of negativity out
Monday, June 5, 2017
4 Entrepreneurs Who Offer Sustainable Solutions and Change the World
We’re living in an exciting era whereby entrepreneurs are stepping up to the sustainability challenge and are coming up with innovative sustainable solutions that are also lucrative. It’s not been an easy ride for the sustainability industry. There’s the ongoing fight with fossil-fuel providers, who have relied on the resource as a primary revenue
The Ultimate Social Media Image Sizes + Templates
Looking for all the “right” social media image sizes? Don’t fret, I’ve got you covered.
6 Uncomfortable Signs You’re in a Relationship with the Right Person
It may sound silly to feel uncomfortable when you know that you have finally found the right person. If you’re in a great relationship, why should you be anything other than happy? The truth is, there are many things that make people a little uneasy which they would never have realized until presently in the
Sunday, June 4, 2017
6 Subtle Signs of Workplace Bullying and What To Do About It
If you're gritting your teeth every time you come home because of workplace bullying, you're not alone. According to Forbes, workplace bullying affects about 75% of people. Workplace bullies aren't like the tyrants in your childhood who terrorized people at the playground. They are subtle. So how would you know if someone's bullying you at
Saturday, June 3, 2017
How Exposure to Asbestos and Other Toxins Causes Cancer – and What to Do to Prevent It
Exposure to asbestos, radon and other cancer-causing toxins can often go undetected for years. How to make sure there are no hidden toxins in your home? Keeping your home clean and toxin-free is extremely important to maintaining a healthy life. It can sometimes surprise homeowners as to what kind of dangers may already be in
7 Signs that Your Self-Love is Turning into Self-Absorption
You have found self-love – congratulations, you Feel confident and Powerful! Be careful, don't' become self-absorbed instead. I’ve been many things throughout my life, innocent, abused, neglected, appreciated and much more. I have gone from self-hatred to self-love, abounding in the newfound confidence of being independent. I have been within a family unit and been
Friday, June 2, 2017
6 Signs That It’s Low Self-Confidence And Not Love
Often those with low self-confidence feel more worthy when they have a significant other to tell them they are. Having a person to call your “special someone” is one of the best feelings in the world, but is it so nice because you’re truly in love or because your low self-confidence has just risen a
Basic Yoga Poses to Get Rid of Back Pain, Anxiety, and Digestive Problems
Yoga focuses on the right kind of body work that helps get rid of many daily issues. Basic yoga poses can, in fact, bring relief to your health problems. Stretching, strength, and flexibility focus on relieving your muscles. Breathing reduces stress which can alleviate the pain you experience from too much anxiety in your life.
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Magic Mushrooms Might Be the Next Cure for Depression: Psilocybin Proven Effective in 80% of Cases
Magic mushrooms turn out to be a more effective cure for depression than conventional antidepressants, recent studies show. A study by New York University and Johns Hopkins University showed amazing results by curing at least 80 percent of depression in cancer patients with a dose of Psilocybin (active substance in Magic Mushrooms). The research revealed
May Bitcoin Recap: Price Surge Creates Increased...
May Bitcoin Recap: Price Surge Creates Increased Global Demand Over the past few weeks the price of Bitcoin (BTC) has increased dramatically, more than doubling in value since the beginning of May....
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